Screen Compass Crack Free Registration Code

Screen Compass lets you to accurately measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The straightforward UI provides a swift control over the Compass alignment by letting you drag it with the mouse. Moreover, fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard hotkeys or nudge buttons. The app is highly cutomizable, meaning that you can search for new skins and download them, and  also change the UI. The Screen Compass comes with a technical skin allowing greater control and a crosshair for easy alignment. From aesthetic to technical you should find onscreen solution that suits your needs. Even if the name of the app is Screen Compass, this doesn't means that the app can deal only wiht circular shapes. By going through the 'Shapes' menu you can choose to use a triangle, square, pentagon or any number of sided polygon up to the 39 sided Triacontakaienneagon. The Units menu allows you to choose a new unit from the list of predefined units including pixels, inches and centimeters. You may also configure your own Custom Units using the 'Calibrate Units' menu option. Choosing this option will bring up a screen which allows you to choose a Custom Unit, rename and set the scale.







Screen Compass Crack Torrent Free [Mac/Win] (Latest)

With Screen Compass you can precisely measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The straightforward UI provides a swift control over the Compass alignment by letting you drag it with the mouse. Moreover, fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard hotkeys or nudge buttons. The app is highly cutomizable, meaning that you can search for new skins and download them, and  also change the UI. The Screen Compass comes with a technical skin allowing greater control and a crosshair for easy alignment. From aesthetic to technical you should find onscreen solution that suits your needs. Even if the name of the app is Screen Compass, this doesn’t means that the app can deal only wiht circular shapes. By going through the ‘Shapes’ menu you can choose to use a triangle, square, pentagon or any number of sided polygon up to the 39 sided Triacontakaienneagon. The Units menu allows you to choose a new unit from the list of predefined units including pixels, inches and centimeters. You may also configure your own Custom Units using the ‘Calibrate Units’ menu option. Choosing this option will bring up a screen which allows you to choose a Custom Unit, rename and set the scale. Q: Could not read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) I got the error Could not read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed when I tried to execute the first query. But the second query I tried to execute and it works fine (It didn’t generate error). here is the code of the first query: public string test(string data1) { string connexion = „Data Source=USER-PC;Initial Catalog=TestDatabase;Integrated Security=True”; using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connexion)) {

Screen Compass [Win/Mac]

Installation „`shell pip install screen_compass „` b7e8fdf5c8

Screen Compass

———————————- The compass is a simple app that allows you to measure objects on your screen in angles (radian) and degrees. It does not require calibration or calibration units. Select the object to measure, click with the mouse on the screen where you want to start the measurement and click on’measure’ button. In the dialog box you will have the option to choose the Units used to measure (DPI or mm / in.), as well as the degree measurement precision. Once the measurement is complete, just click on the ‘OK’ button. The Compass will compute and display the measurement on the screen. You can change the units to fit your needs. If you need screen calibration select Calibrate Unit from the menu. There is no need to worry about calibration units or calibration, just select one of the predefined units or select the custom unit from the Calibrate Units menu. You can also define the minimum and maximum degrees that you want to measure. The unit screen and the screen calibration screen are just access points that let you to change the units or calibration options. Even if you do not need a calibration check this app is useful in monitoring how screen pixels have been changed from one version to another. What’s new in this version: ———————————- – added DPI scaling for DPI monitors – added MM and cm for custom units – added Compass type select (pentagon, quadrilateral…) – added custom units with values „in” instead of „mm” or „cm” – fixed: Custom screen units list – fixed: Return to list of units when selecting a custom unit – fixed: Misc things – fixed: Graphics options – fixed: Keyboard navigation with modifier keys – fixed: Bugs – added: A new skin with a crosshair and more – added: A new technical skin to display higher precision in the measurements – fixed: Cosmetic bugs Screen Compass Copyright notice: ——————————— This app is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2.0. Words: 2,061 Last modified: September 13, 2013, 07:56 PM Screen Compass is a handy app that will help you to measure and draw circles, squares or polygons on screen easily and quickly. The app is free and can be used without restriction. With this Screen Compass you can measure the Radius, Circum

What’s New In?

———————————– Screen Compass lets you to accurately measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The straightforward UI provides a swift control over the Compass alignment by letting you drag it with the mouse. Moreover, fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard hotkeys or nudge buttons. The app is highly cutomizable, meaning that you can search for new skins and download them, and  also change the UI. The Screen Compass comes with a technical skin allowing greater control and a crosshair for easy alignment. From aesthetic to technical you should find onscreen solution that suits your needs. Even if the name of the app is Screen Compass, this doesn’t means that the app can deal only wiht circular shapes. By going through the ‘Shapes’ menu you can choose to use a triangle, square, pentagon or any number of sided polygon up to the 39 sided Triacontakaienneagon. The Units menu allows you to choose a new unit from the list of predefined units including pixels, inches and centimeters. You may also configure your own Custom Units using the ‘Calibrate Units’ menu option. Choosing this option will bring up a screen which allows you to choose a Custom Unit, rename and set the scale. Screen Compass lets you to accurately measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The straightforward UI provides a swift control over the Compass alignment by letting you drag it with the mouse. Moreover, fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard hotkeys or nudge buttons. The app is highly cutomizable, meaning that you can search for new skins and download them, and  also change the UI. The Screen Compass comes with a technical skin allowing greater control and a crosshair for easy alignment. From aesthetic to technical you should find onscreen solution that suits your needs. Even if the name of the app is Screen Compass, this doesn’t means that the app can deal only wiht circular shapes. By going through the ‘Shapes’ menu you can choose to use a triangle, square, pentagon or any number of sided polygon up to the 39 sided Triacontakaienneagon. The Units menu allows you to choose a new unit from the list of predefined units including pixels, inches and centimeters. You may also configure your own Custom Units using the ‘Calibrate Units’ menu option. Choosing this option will

System Requirements For Screen Compass:

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