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A: You can either paste the code into your stylesheet and the reference will be highlighted properly, or use this: </word> </word> For the first approach you’ll need to create a span around the word to be highlighted, and then surround it with an tag with a href=”#” on it (in the HTML). Comparison of the electron microscopical identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with the traditional phenotypic identification: a problem-solving approach. The traditional phenotypic identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) involves the use of at least two antibiotic-susceptibility tests [minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and broth dilution]. For GC with decreased susceptibility to beta-lactams or (nonsusceptible GC), testing with GC-specific antimicrobials such as ceftriaxone should be performed. We used a previously described electron microscopy-based system for the identification of GC. Eighty percent of the GC isolates from women with gonorrhoea and men with urethritis were identified correctly by this system, whereas the antibiotic susceptibilities correctly identified only 50% of them. Of the two control strains (GC) that were misidentified, one was incorrectly identified as being susceptible to ceftriaxone and the other to cefotaxime when the phenotypic testing indicated resistance to these drugs. The clinical microbiology laboratory’s ability to identify GC correctly is important in the detection and management of resistance and for the avoidance of the development of epidemics. We suggest that the use of electron microscopy as an adjunct to phenotypic testing of GC may greatly improve the utility of this traditionally difficult to identify organism.Vitality is the most trusted brand in the United States. It is the brand you have trusted for 10 years. It is the brand that has supported your family for generations, and it is the brand that has brought these decades of trust to the people of the United States. We all know that we are all connected to each other, and that your family is your family. We can use our connections with each other as a starting point, but even those of us who have d0c515b9f4

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