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YIFY.CO is a large collection of torrents, which are hosted in over 15 servers around the world, from Sweden to the USA. These torrents are the main reason this site is on our list. They are known for their awesome ‘YIFY’ torrents. If you like to download torrents, you are in the right place. YIFY.CO uploads new torrents everyday.

The Android Market is the largest and most popular App store on Android, and it contains thousands of games, as well as thousands of other applications, movies, songs, documents, and more. It is powered by Google, and you can use it to download apps without needing to root your Android device. Check out the list of all apps on this store.

Amoeba Software has an unusually comprehensive customer support system, and they offer 25% discounts on all purchases. They have also recently introduced a 99-cents-a-day deal where you can use a credit card to buy lots of software cheaply, and then you can pay it off every day using the same credit card to buy more software. This is a great way to save money without even trying too hard.

A brand-new category of sites has arisen on the net over the past several years. These sites are related to hacking and similar activities and contain databases of tools that may be used to bypass different types of restrictions. Some of these sites are free, but most of them are paid for by way of advertisements.

Besides the free stuff on i.e. Softpedia, below are some of the best value download sites on the Internet – places where you can get software which is cracked or otherwise totally free, or software you can download without having to shell out any money. Most of these sites sell paid software as well, and of course you can get apps and tools that will help you to crack passwords, bypass firewalls and other aspects of Internet security to allow you to go anywhere you want on the Internet without having to worry about anything.

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