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In the West, casual sex has become socially acceptable. Maybe it’s being written about in popular media (think Sex and the City), taught in schools (think Sex Ed class) and becoming a central part of twenty-first century relationships. But casual sex is not always a casual proposition. There are a lot of myths and expectations about it — ones that can make it feel like it’s not good for you. Here are six of the most common, from the myths to debunking them. There is no clear data to say casual sex is unhealthy. Here are four things you should know. This myth is perpetuated by outdated, overly simplistic porn and dating advice. Whenever an article about casual sex comes out, anyone who says that casual sex is bad for you has two things in common: They a) Have never slept with multiple people, and b) are just as likely to have a relationship with someone they care about as someone they don’t. — Andrea Long Chu, National Geographic (@longchu) April 11, 2017 The bottom line is that casual sex is not inherently bad for you, but your perceptions of it and your intentions should dictate whether you end up with something lasting. Where casual sex is concerned, it’s all about intention. Just because you are in bed with someone one night doesn’t mean you’ve fallen in love with them or they with you. If that’s what you want, ask yourself if you’ve thought about that person for the last few days and months. If your answer to that is „No,” you may need to get out of the casual sex game. — Elena Brower, By extension, you may want to make sure you and the other person are „compatible” with one another: If you both agree that you’re into X, Y, Z and they’re into X, Y, Z as well, it’s likely a good fit. — Eliza Appel, When you hook up with someone and it becomes a „thing,” it will likely become difficult to pull out. You may start to crave and be addicted to casual sex like its an addiction. — Jessica Andrews, MottoJournals April 11, 2017 If you’re a casual sex addict, it’s normal for your brain to have trouble staying focused on anything else once you take a sexual step. Caught up in a whirlwind of hormones,

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