Xbox Kinect News kategória bejegyzései

Gunstringer demo playable at PAX East

According to their official blog, Twisted Pixel is working hard to finish up their playable demo of their much anticipated XBLA Kinect game: Gunstringer. The Gunstringer demo is going to be playable for the lucky people that get to attend PAX East. Mor… Egy kattintás ide a folytatáshoz….

Kategória: Arcade, demo, GunStringer, gunstringer demo, Kinect játékok, kinect xbox, PAX, PAX East, Twisted Pixel, XBLA, Xbox Kinect, Xbox Kinect News, XBOX Live | Címke: , , , | Gunstringer demo playable at PAX East bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva

Kylie Minogue goes Kinect

Kylie Minogue has just kicked off her big 2011 European tour ‘Aphrodite‘ in Denmark and is making 35 more stops in until the completion of her tour. The cool thing is that while she is touring she is sponsored by Microsoft and Dance Central… Egy kattintás ide a folytatáshoz….

Kategória: advertisement, aphrodite, Can't Get You Out Of My Head, Dance Central, european tour, Kinect játékok, kylie, kylie minogue, sponsoring, tour, Xbox Kinect, Xbox Kinect News | Címke: , , , | Kylie Minogue goes Kinect bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva

Body and Brain Connection Interview

Dr. Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises has recently been launched on Xbox Kinect so this is a good time to learn more about how the game works. Yasuhiro Ishimoto gives us some insight into how the game activates the brain and makes the most of … Egy kattintás ide a folytatáshoz….

Kategória: Body and Brain Connection, Brain Training, Dr. Kawashima's Body and Brain Excersises, Dr. Kawashima's Body and Brain Exercises, interview, Kinect Games, Kinect játékok, Namco Bandai, puzzle, video, Xbox Kinect News | Címke: , , | Body and Brain Connection Interview bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva

This week’s most popular articles

This week we reported on Dance Central DLC’s, an announcement of a new game, more info about Forza 4 and Kinect and there was a game released this week! . Read on for a full list of this week’s most popular articles! More Dance Central DLC&… Egy kattintás ide a folytatáshoz….

Kategória: body and brain, Body and Brain Connection, Dance Central, Forza 4, Forza Kinect, Kinect játékok, Microsoft, Sesame Street, Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster, virtua tennis, Xbox Kinect, Xbox Kinect News | Címke: , , , | This week’s most popular articles bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva

Body and Brain Connection Reviewed!

My apologies for the delay (I had some shipping issues), I know some of you have been eagerly waiting for my review of Body and Brain Connection as everyone knows has only reviews from real people unlike all the big named review sites.  … Egy kattintás ide a folytatáshoz….

Kategória:, Body and Brain Connection, Body And Brain Training Review, BodyAndBrainTrainingReview, BrainTrainingKinect, Dr. Kawashima, Dr. Kawashima's Body and Brain Excersises, Game Review, Kinect Featured, Kinect Game Reviews, Kinect játékok, review, Xbox Kinect, Xbox Kinect News | Címke: , , | Body and Brain Connection Reviewed! bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva